Substance use problems refer to the abuse or dependence of alcohol, drugs, or any type of substance. Any type of drug or chemical can be abused, regardless of whether or not it is legal or illegal, easily attainable, or attained over the counter or prescribed by your doctor. Substances like methamphetamines, marijuana, nicotine, betel nut, and inhalants/vaping can all be abused. Youth with substance use problems may use more than they originally planned to use, cannot stop using, or give up other important activities in their life to continue using. Some might become tolerant and need more of the substance over time to have the same effect and have withdrawals when they stop using it. You do not need to be addicted to substances or have a diagnosis from a professional to have an abuse problem. Risk factors for substance abuse include a family history of substance abuse, psychiatric disorders, weak family support systems and environmental stress. Parents may sometimes need extra support for helping their keiki to stop problematic usage. In these cases, parents should seek youth and family services from a mental health professional trained in the practices described below. 



  • Frequently drunk or high

  • Hides alcohol or drugs in their rooms

  • Gets into arguments or fights with others easily

  • Skips school frequently

  • Uses substances before or during school

  • Repeatedly uses drugs in dangerous situations such as driving



  • The number of adolescents who meet the criteria for substance abuse is about 5%

  • Youth with psychiatric disorders are especially vulnerable to substance problems

  • Boys are more likely than girls to have substance abuse problems

  • Youth who use alcohol and drugs are more likely to have a substance use disorder as adults.

  • Alcohol tends to be the most often used substance and marijuana tends to be the most common illegal drug among teens and youth.


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