Individuals become more comfortable with a feared situation through using repeated exposures. These exposures can be direct or imagined and should begin with a situation the youth is just slightly afraid of and move towards more highly feared situations. For instance if a youth is afraid of heights the first exposure might involve standing at the top of a staircase. This process should move at a comfortable pace for the youth and should incorporate the practice of new coping skills.

What should my therapist be doing?

  • Practicing fear-provoking situations with your child, beginning with less-feared scenarios and slowly building up to harder ones

  • Praising your child for engaging in practice exercises

What should I be doing?

  • Practicing this skill with your child outside of therapy sessions

  • Encouraging your child to move on to tougher exercises as they master each step of the exposure practice

  • Occasionally reviewing previously mastered scenarios

  • Praising and supporting your child’s efforts

How will I know if it is working?

  • Your child is able to complete practice exercises with increasing ease

  • Your child expresses less fear towards practiced scenarios and real-life scenarios

  • Your child is more comfortable in situations they previously feared

Try it Yourself: How-to Guides and Other Resources

Anxiety Resources