Not all treatments for children’s emotional and behavioral problems are proven to work. As a parent, we believe you have a right to know which treatments are backed by evidence and which are not. Treatment approaches that have research support to back them up are referred to as “evidence-based practices.” Unfortunately, there are few mechanisms in place to ensure families have access to treatments that are supported by legitimate research, which is why we created this website.

Although there are no guarantees, getting access to professionals who use evidence-based practices could have a very positive impact on your keiki’s recovery process. It’s one of the best things you can do for your keiki.

Keiki Skills

Skills your child can learn and develop to help manage their emotions and behaviors.

Parent Tools

Tools that you as a parent, caregiver or therapist can use to help your child. Here, you’ll find important questions to ask your doctor, practical tips, activities you can do at home and more.

Proven Treatments

Our goal to inform mental health professionals, administrators and parents of children with special needs, about the best, proven, evidence-based treatments for meeting our keiki’s mental health needs.

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